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Building control

date:2022-03-17 15:14


Commercial provides automated butterfly valves, ball valves and pressure independent valves to the commercial building HVAC market throughout the world. Wherever valve performance is required to maintain climate controlled environments, can provide the required automated valves to meet the demanding flow applications of chiller/boiler isolation, air handlers and terminal units for new construction, retrofit and/or LEED certification applications in buildings such as:

· Hospitals

· Schools and Universities

· Data Centers

· Airports

· Government and Municipal

· Hotels

· Commercial Offices

· Sports/Entertainment/Convention Centers

In addition to producing valves of unsurpassed quality, our core competency is servicing our partners and contractors to ensure you receive the most effective and economical valve solution package. extensively trained staff is knowledgeable in all aspects of products and their applications. To provide personal attention to every customer, each region maintains a factory certified sales and service network for all  products.

Controls Commercial Division


Founded in 1968, LVF valve company of the United States is a recognized manufacturer of high-quality valves in the global valve industry.


Hot-Line: 400-0367-125

CellPhone: 13771248999

E-mail: 13771248999@163.com
