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Ship industry

date:2022-03-17 15:16


The shipbuilding industry is a modern comprehensive industry that provides technical equipment for water transportation, marine development and national defense construction industries. It is also a labor, capital, and technology-intensive industry. It is on the upstream and downstream of electromechanical, steel, chemical, shipping, and marine resources. Industrial development has a strong driving role and is of great significance for promoting labor employment, developing export trade and ensuring the safety of coastal defense. The shipbuilding industry is an important part of the national economy and one of the pillar industries of the national defense industry. China has abundant labor resources, sound industrial and scientific research systems, solid industrial development foundation, and a long coastline suitable for shipbuilding. The development of the shipbuilding industry has a strong comparative advantage. At the same time, the rapid growth of foreign trade of various countries has also provided a good development opportunity for the shipbuilding industry, making the shipbuilding industry one of the most internationally competitive industries. At present, the world's shipbuilding industry is accelerating the transfer to a region with a strong labor force, capital richness and strong industrial base. China is the third largest shipbuilding country in the world after Japan and South Korea. As the overall price of Chinese shipbuilding is cheaper than that of Japan and South Korea, the world's manufacturing focus is gradually shifting to China. Ships can be divided into container ships, bulk carriers, chemical tankers (oil tankers), special ships, cruise ships, etc. A modern ship is the "modern city" on the water, which is the epitome of modern big industry.



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